Middle Earth: the Wizards Guide
[Pack Order][Fixed Packs][Play Set][Print Run][Rings]

Playset Composition

Here is the breakdown of a playset: the set of cards you would need to have in order to create any possible METW play deck.

This set, which contains a total of 897 cards, includes:

* Based on ICE's plans to make them generally available, the two promo cards that have already been released (Neeker-breekers and Black Arrow) are counted as general commons in this calculation. The other two promo cards that ICE has not yet released are not counted in this reckoning.

Here is the composition:

Type	        Rare	Unc    Fixed	 CB	 CA    Total
-------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
Character	 12	 25	 20	  9	  0	 66
Hazard		 97	 55	  3	  3	138	296
Region		  0	  0	  0	 52	  0	 52
Resource	 87	124	 13	 51	117	392
Site		 15	 11	 21	 12	  6	 65
Haven		  0	  0	 16	  0	  0	 16
Wizard		  0	  0	 10	  0	  0	 10
-------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
Total		211	215	 83	127	261	897
Happy collecting!

[email protected]

Archiver's Note: This assumes you only want 3 of each minor item. Since you can have 2 minor items on starting characters, it might be more complete to have this set include 5 of non-unique minor items.

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